Choose a display for OBS to run on


New Member
I am using Linux pop-os 6.5.6-76060506-generic x86_64. my OBS version is 30.0

When I run OBS it defaults to my primary display and this is not ideal. Any way I can change a configuration setting to have obs open on a different display?


Active Member
Does it go to the one that the mouse is on at the moment? That seems to be common.

There's also the xdotool utility that can do all kinds of things with windows, their placement, mouse and keyboard actions, and more. You'll probably have to install that; I don't think you have it by default.

Here's an excerpt from one of my setup scripts:
firefox &
sleep 5
# Move to other screen
xdotool key ctrl+alt+1      # Works with custom shortcuts (Menu -> [Settings or Favorites] -> System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Shortcuts -> KWin -> Window to Screen X:)
xdotool key ctrl+alt+1      # Again because the first use doesn't work (init bug?)
In this case, my KDE desktop manager can have a keyboard shortcut to natively move a window to a given display, so I set that up and then invoke it here. But xdotool might be able to do that as well. Read the (long!) manpage, play with it, and see what you come up with.