Bug Report Chat windows / Browser Source freezing


New Member
Hello. I noticed that Youtube appears to have made a recent update to how the live chat functions works. I used to be able to stream anytime and the chat URL would be the same. Ever since this change I not only have to update the chat URL with every stream but the chat window has been consistently freezing on me. This happens on two separate installs of OBS on two separate computers.

I wonder if there are any updates to OBS that could/should be made to handle this. I know there is a script where you can place your static streaming page "youtube.com/c/username/live" and it will pull the live stream URL. However, whether I use this method or not, the chat box still freezes on me.

BTW. Is there anything I can do when it does freeze to restore it? I usually try making invisible/invisible again but often times I have to to in mid-stream, remove the URL and re-add it again even though the video ID (chat URL) hasn't changed during the course of the livestream.

Thank you.


New Member
I'm having a very similar problem and every thread I find where someone describes a similar problem there's no response.. what gives? Is something (knowingly) broken and no one wants to acknowledge it? Have you or anyone else solved the issue?


I have a similar problem (just posted yesterday, no replies). I'm doing a window capture from a browser web page with a video going on it, whenever I touch something (like minimize/maximize browser or obs window) the preview/capture would stop (but audio would continue). Already did the compatibility trick and other stuff with no luck.


Maybe I've just sorted it out!
Try to do this:
follow this guide:
and set everything to use high performance gpu (not the integrated graphic).
leave enabled Chrome hardware acceleration.
leave enabled OBS browser hardware acceleration in advanced settings.