Chat for RTMP


New Member
Hi all,

I am looking to set up a three platform stream for both public and private views. I have been searching far and wide and have not found the solution I am looking for.

Was hoping that the collective knowledge of the community may help.

Private viewers are in a membership site (WordPress)
Public will be on Facebook and YouTube.

The stream will be 90 minutes in length.
  • First 30 minutes will be public and will be general training etc.
  • Next 60 will be private and open to new training, Q&A, and special member only guests and content.

What I want to do is have a chat for the members which is part of the RTMP stream which also is in the main chat box when we are running public as well.

I am new to OBS so I may be searching for something that doesn't exist OR, I am unfamiliar with the terminology (highly probable) .

Does such a thing exist and has anyone done this and open to chat. Happy to pay for consulting if that is required.
