Change Replay Filename With Hotkey


New Member
Hey there,

I'm hosting drone races and want to use OBS to streamline the review process of possible missed obstacles or other reasons. I get the live video from the drones into OBS via and HDMI matrix and Capture card. I'm usually a one-man-show so I make pilots spot other pilots for bad laps. During "regular" events there are downtime between single races that can be used to review claims. I want to venture into endurance/team racing where those downtime are not available right away. So either I have to bulk review the claims at a certain point or might have a helper with me who can take on that task.

My current idea is to use the replay buffer to optimize the review process. I was thinking to hook up an Arduino or similar to act as a keyboard and provide 4 hotkeys. Four competing pilots will be placed in front of a big screen to watch the live video of another pilot each. In case there is a missed obstacle, the pilot in charge can hit the button and OBS saves a XX seconds replay a helper or me can review at an appropriate time.

For some reasons (avoid spamming, easier identification of which pilot made the mistake) I'd love to have the file names with a certain naming convention. This has to be changed by the hotkey pressed. For example:
Hotkey F13 gets pressed I want the saved file to be named "Team 1 hh:mm:ss"
Hotkey F14 gets pressed I want the saved file to be named "Team 2 hh:mm:ss"

Someone with an idea or example code on how to use hotkeys to change the suffix/prefix/filename for replay recordings?


You can get the path of the last replay with this code, then rename or relocate it:

import obspython as S
import threading
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from types import SimpleNamespace as _G

G = _G()
G.t1_start = False
G.t2_start = False
G.file_write_delay = 1.3
G.shutdown = False

def get_replay_buffer_output():
    replay_buffer = S.obs_frontend_get_replay_buffer_output()
    cd = S.calldata_create()
    ph = S.obs_output_get_proc_handler(replay_buffer)
    S.proc_handler_call(ph, "get_last_replay", cd)
    path = S.calldata_string(cd, "path")
    return path

def trigger_save_as(name, delay_ms):
    print(get_replay_buffer_output(), name)

def event_loop():
    while True:
        if G.t1_start:
            trigger_save_as("team1", G.file_write_delay)
            G.t1_start = False
        if G.t2_start:
            trigger_save_as("team2", G.file_write_delay)
            G.t2_start = False
        if G.shutdown:
            raise KeyboardInterrupt

def path1_btn(*_):
    G.t1_start = True

def path2_btn(*_):
    G.t2_start = True

def script_properties():
    props = S.obs_properties_create()
    S.obs_properties_add_button(props, "button1", "set path 1", path1_btn)
    S.obs_properties_add_button(props, "button2", "set path 2", path2_btn)
    return props

def script_load(settings):
    t = threading.Thread(target=event_loop)

def script_unload():
    G.shutdown = True
Note: Save replay buffer doesn't dump to disk immediately, you have to wait a certain amount of time.
To add hotkey to this script, see example code here
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Active Member
You might look at this, instead of the replay buffer:

I don't use it myself - I just record the entire show in one file - so I don't know anything else beyond its existence. But just going by the labels, it seems like it might be closer to what you're looking for.