Question / Help Centering Text in text box


New Member
Hi all!

First a big thanks to everyone working on OBS. Great software!

I have a simple question. How do I Center text in the text box on the OS X Version?

I'm not just talking about Centering it on the screen. I'm talking about Centering it within its own text box so when it changes the name stays centered. By default its left aligned.

On the Windows version there is the "Use Custom Text Extents" which allows you to center the text. This seems like a super basic function, but oddly I have not be able to find it.

On the Windows version I would click "Word Wrap" then click "Center". Is this in the Mac OS X version somewhere?


- Kismet


Community Helper
Unfortunately, it is missing that feature. It will be added in a future release. The text source sort of needs an overhaul.
I have been wanting this many times as well, and ended up writing my own tool that centers the text outside of OBS if needs be, but that is just a bad hack for a simple problem.