Capturing Dolphin window/Need partial title match


New Member
Recently switched over to OBS-MP because I heard it had multiple options for windows capture priority; upon switching unfortunately I found I was still having the same problems with this one particular application.

When Dolphin is running it looks something like this:
I want to capture the larger window. As I've come to find out, that game window shares the same class and executable file as the selection window(in the background.) And from what I gather since both windows start with the name Dolphin, if OBS finds that part first, it will capture that, even if I haven't launched a game.

Sometimes I get a black screen. Sometimes it's transparent. Sometimes it begins to capture the selection box:

I've tried every combination of settings including messing with stuff in the settings file and I can't get OBS-MP to reliably capture just that window. I've tried both window capture and game capture and had mixed, but similarly unreliable results with both.

My proposed solution would be to implement two additional options: partial window title match and singular priority.

Partial window title match would allow us to specify a part of the window title to look for to capture; in this case, I could specify OBS to only capture windows which include "| FPS:" and that would solve the first part of the problem.

The second part is singular priority; when OBS sets up a source it records the window class and executable, and from what I gather, the way Window Match Priority works is that it checks for each setting in a specified order. If it doesn't find the title, then it looks for the class, and then the executable, or whatever you specify in the box. This is what I assume is causing OBS to mistakenly capture the selection window when the game window is not yet launched/closed/reset. So, for partial title match to work properly; you would need it to ONLY check for the partial title match, which is what I mean by "singular priority." Expected behavior would be to only look for partial window title match, and then if not found, do nothing, as once OBS begins to capture the selection window, it does not revert once the game window opens up.

I don't know the inner workings of OBS how difficult these two features would be to add, but this has been plaguing me for some time now and if it's possible to have this implemented, I would be extremely grateful.