Question / Help Capturing ATS strange/only party of it


New Member
As I'm regulary streaming American Truck Simulator (ATS), I suddenly started to get this issue:

The gamecapture is only recording a part of the game and even less. As I'm in the options of the game, it keeps capturing the part of the menu-background. Mixed with an extreme lag of about 1FPS per Second in the preview (not the game)
I changed my video settings from 864p to 720p due to a test. But changing it back made no difference in the capture problem.

(Wrong Capture)


The gamecapture is not over the recorded border of the scene. I also recreated the capture with no change. Setting the game to Window-Mode and recording it with a window-capture only ends in a white box being shown.
There is no Filter or similar active, that could create a sub-region. As it does not even record the overlay of the options (what it did before)

A restart of both programs and my computer did no change.
Euro Truck Simulator 2, based on the same engine works fine.

I hope it's only me missing anything and you could help me.


Forum Moderator
Are you using the OpenGL renderer? If so, try using the D3D renderer instead. It seems to cause fewer capture problems for users.