Question / Help Capture lost audio randomly, maybe match priority?

Bear Enthusiast

New Member
(Accidentally posted this in the original OBS area by accident, this is for OBS Multiplatform)

I recently recorded myself playing Resident Evil 5 and my mic, using a virtual audio cable to cut out a Skype call with the person I was playing with. The problem is the footage's first audio track, the desktop audio which should just be the game audio, cuts out completely at a seemingly random point and comes back much much later and stays for the last bit of the video. The other audio track, my microphone, recorded just fine. The video looks fine as well.

Taking a look at my log file I think this might be what's wrong, but even if it is I'm not sure what would be a better way to record.

re5dx9.exe: RESIDENT EVIL 5 is the window I was capturing, with the Window Match Priority set to "Executable Name" since as a complete guess that sounded like it would be the most stable.

33:54.196: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: re5dx9.exe
00:33:54.198: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] using helper (direct hook)
00:33:54.463: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked to process: re5dx9.exe
00:33:54.463: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
00:33:54.463: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked D3D9
00:33:58.230: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: re5dx9.exe
00:33:58.261: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d9 shared texture capture successful
00:33:58.475: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked DXGI
00:34:25.230: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture

I've attached my whole log and hosted it here( ), but that part jumped out at me.


  • 2016-02-09 00-30-09.txt
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  • 2016-02-09 00-30-09.txt
    17.8 KB · Views: 12