Capture Device missing HDMI Audio


New Member
Yes, i know there is a lot of help and opinions on the topic not only here in the forum but also on the net.
But I haven't found anything about my particular fault.

First my OBS Logfile: OBS LOG

The latest USB / Video & Audio drivers are installed on my desktop pc.
I have USB 3.1 Gen1 & Gen2 the HDMI capture card is a ZASLUKE (see picture)

A Panasonic HC-V777 -OR- FZ-200 with a short HDMI cable for planned streaming live interview is connected to this capture card.
Both cameras have an audio signal in the HDMI (field monitor on the camera or the capture device HDMI output is audio present)

If the capture device with camera is connected to USB 3.0 (with USB 3.0 cable), windows device manager displays this:

In the OBS Studio only the video image and the microphone input of the capture card are displayed and present.
The HDMI audio of the camera is missing as USB 3.0 HDMI audio capture.

This shows in OBS Studio: (there is NO HDMI Audio Capture Line)


And here i have the "HDMI Video Capture..." as Audio Line

The Audio Mixer has this line with NO signal:

On the audio settings of video source "HDMI Video Capture USB 3.0" i have only this Micro Line for selection:

I hope i have made the situation understandable.
I do not get an HDMI audio signal from the capture card, although this is demonstrably available.

Videostream to YouTube and/or video recording with local videofile (with audio) als source works perfectly with OBS Studio.

I hope someone here has an idea or help for me.
Thank you BOB


New Member
Thanks for the help.
As already mentioned, i know the many messages here and on the net on the subject.
I also know the possibility of using the vlc (yes the buffer ans so on) or other software.
Everything I tried did not work for me.
No audio signal from the camera in the USB - OBS

The only way i found today that works for me:
To put a splitter (see pictute below) between the camera and capture card.
Suddenly it works and the audio signal from the camera arrives at the OBS Studio.
However, not as a separate audio channel but together with the microphone channel of the capture card.

For others with this problem - if this help:

This: for me not working - no audio from camera to OBS

This: for me now working - video & audio from camera to OBS

Thank you for reply and helping hand !!
And thank you the OBS Team for this great work and service.
See you BOB


New Member
Too bad not very helpful this forum.
There doesn't seem to be any experts here who also know what it's all about.
"Cheap device" as an answer, or rather an unqualified opinion as "diagnosis" to my question speaks for itself.
Well, I don't know why the configuration works as shown in my 2nd posting, but there will be an understandable reason.
You will definitely not find out here.
As I said: what a shame.

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
This forum is for help with OBS, people help in their free time and when they want and have knowledge. share it with others, if you think that such an approach is a shame, maybe you should look elsewhere for a solution to your problem. Because I can see that you have not connected the appropriate audio source.


New Member
Because I can see that you have not connected the appropriate audio source.
Tom with open eyes.
Yes there is not connected the capture audio source, because - and this is (was) the problem - the audio cource was not present in OBS.

That was clearly visible in the pictures of my first post.
The device is available in the windows device manager and not in the OBS.

The first answer here on this forum was: cheap device (the capture device) [ that should be the cause ] and use VLC...
If you don't know your way around, don't answer.
At least that wasn't helpful.

And you tom, your reference to something that I already described in my first posting, what can that help...

Conclusion: Even without help from this forum - as already described by me - everything works.
But why only if you put a splitter in between, nobody knows.

If you know that, you can answer!

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
Put log file.
Why i say you don't have audio device ?
Probably you add only video capture device, old device send both audio and video in one 'channel', new device have separately video and audio. Add Audio Input Capture.

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
You can run simply test.
Run VLC, open capture device, select correct video and audio.
If you see video and audio is sign something wrong with obs, if you don't hear audio something wrong with device.


New Member
Yes in new version there is a problem. In Windows/sounds put listen to device and you get audio from hdmi-usb device. I think that is only way for now. In multicamera works great. Do not forget to disable Windows sound axetrix ;)


New Member
I have similar cheap USB HDMI capture devices. Typically I have had to add both a HDMI video source, as well as an HDMI audio source separatly. The HDMI audio source is called:

"DIgital Audio Interface (USB Digital Audio)"


New Member
on obs studio i connected my usb hdmi video capture card to switch to my pc. i watched my recording and i heared the games sounds but i cant hear my self talking why???