So basically my problem is that I can't select a resolution through the OBS menu for my capture card, that would make my Wii (which is connected through HDMI and is putting out 480p) work. The lowest HD setting is 720p and the others are called PAL, NTSC, Progressive etc. and none of them work. The screen pops up normally in other software with the same capture card. How can I make it work? http://prntscr.com/br6qb5 (screenshot) This is all I have to choose from...
So basically my problem is that I can't select a resolution through the OBS menu for my capture card, that would make my Wii (which is connected through HDMI and is putting out 480p) work. The lowest HD setting is 720p and the others are called PAL, NTSC, Progressive etc. and none of them work. The screen pops up normally in other software with the same capture card. How can I make it work? http://prntscr.com/br6qb5 (screenshot) This is all I have to choose from...