Question / Help Capture Card Help!


New Member
Hi! So I've searched all over the internet without gaining a definitive answer so I really hope I get one here

Ive recently started streaming games online, however, I do so straight from my PS4- as you all know that gives me very limited options to control my stream. I did all my research and know I have to get a capture card and the Elgato and Avermedia ones are the best for the price.

However, just under 6 months ago- I bought the 2016 MacBook Pro 13 inch with a dual core i7 processor. Intel iris graphics 540 1536mb.

The Elgato website clearly states that a quad core processor is needed to use their capture card effectively. I saw some people on youtube using it fine on a dual core laptop as well. So I emailed them and their answer was quite vague implying it wouldn't work on the highest settings but maybe would on lower settings? I found a girl on YouTube who got it to work on her MacBook 2015 model i5 it was slightly choppy on 720p.

So I was wondering to be safer should I shell out more and buy the Blackmagic Intensity shuttle usb 3.0/ thunderbolt? Will that work for sure? Or is there any other option I can use? Moreover if my options are just these 2 then which one would be better for my Mac? or it doesn't really matter?
I don't want to buy and the capture card go waste or have to buy a new one soon. I can't exactly buy a new machine already either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!


New Member
Thanks so much!
Im guessing its because of that workaround the quad core is especially needed?
Also which BMI shuttle would you recommend? Or is it just the same for this purpose?
I can't find the system requirements for the Magewell.. Ive come to understand I need a card that will do most of the work as opposed to my system.


Community Helper
Elgato's web site is listing requirements for using their own software for streaming recording, not for OBS, so it doesn't really apply.

Capture cards don't "do most of the work". They just provide a way to capture a video input and add it as a source in OBS. Your computer will be able to use the Magewell just fine -- it's just a matter of finding what settings work best for you.

As for which Shuttle to get, I don't really know the details on the differences between the Thunderbolt and USB3 versions in terms of functionality.


New Member
Okay thank you so much. Im leaning towards the Blackmagic Shuttles as they are more reasonably priced. One of those should work fine for my purpose right?


If the PS4 can output a resolution which is compatible with the ones the Shuttle "likes", then you may use it. This means that you must match your PS4 Output resolution with the Shuttle Input configuration. And in the case of the Thunderbolt version it only supports YUV signals
SD Format Support
625i/50, 576p PAL and 525i/59.94, 480p NTSC.

HD Format Support
720p50, 720p59.94, 720p60, 1080i50, 1080i59.94, 1080i60, 1080p23.98, 1080p24, 1080p25, 1080p29.97 and 1080p30.
IMPORTANT: Max input resolution is 1080p30


Active Member
The Shuttle Intensity should work with either a PS4 or an Xbox One at 720p59.94.

If you want 1080p59.94 you'll need the 4k Intensity.