Question / Help Capture Card / Audio Outputs


New Member
Alright, I've took some time to tinker and think and I decided to come and ask as well.

I have a AverMedia ExtremeCap U3, running properly enough I can play in my OBS preview window (both editions).

So I have a starting screen for a stream with a muted capture of my capture card.
I also have a regular scene with the capture card putting audio out to the desktop.

I noticed that the audio outputting to desktop will always run, no matter which scene you swap to.
I also noticed that you can't have 2 copies of the same source (1 muted version, 1 regular version).
Is there a way to get it to work, or shall I wait for a bit longer for another version of Multiplatform in the future?

From what I've used of it so far, aside my issue listed, it's been a wonderful thing.

Also as a suggestion, similar to how there's a Properties button, could you have a Filter button?

Gol D. Ace

DirectShow Sources (Video Capture Device) are global and will continue running even when you switch to another scene.

The only way to solve this currently is to use multiple scene collections.
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New Member
I found a workaround that works for me. I switch to scenes using hotkeys (Startup, Live, BRB and Thanks). I have setup NUM1/2/3/4 as the hotkeys. I noticed that I can use the same hotkey for multiple things. So, when I switch to my quiet scenes (Startup/BRB/Thanks), the same hotkey mutes the audio sources. Thankfully you can also set multiple keys to the same action.

So, in Hotkeys:

Startup Scene
Switch to Scene: NUM1
Live Scene
Switch to Scene: NUM2
BRB Scene
Switch to Scene: NUM3​

Thanks Scene
Switch to Scene: NUM4
Desktop Audio Source
Mute: NUM1
Mute: NUM3
Mute: NUM4
Unmute: NUM2​

Mic Audio Source
Mute: NUM1
Mute: NUM3
Mute: NUM4
Unmute: NUM2
It works perfectly for me. Hopefully this will help you out.
