Bug Report Capture card audio not going out to stream


New Member
Recently begun experiencing this issue where game audio from my XCapture-1 will, for whatever reason, not go out to the stream or recordings. Audio from my mics goes through fine. In OBS, I see it as receiving audio in the mixer, and I can even listen to the game audio via audio monitor (and no, I don't have it on Monitor Only). As a result I believe this issue is with OBS, but regardless I have checked to make sure if I've got the latest drivers for the XCap and they are up to date. The problem resolves upon restarting OBS, but the next time I open it this issue occurs again.

Here's my log file: https://gist.github.com/93d9b7a48c198a369dff9f2c64cab7a5

Thanks in advance
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New Member
Change the audio device on the source to "Capture only"

Got it on that already.

Though glancing through the log file just now I noticed this

19:09:43.335: Max audio buffering reached!
19:09:43.335: adding 975 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 1044 milliseconds

Uh I guess this might be it? I'll try disabling audio buffering.