Captioning Via Scenes

Robert Forsyth

New Member
Can we look at storing/changing the Captioning source via the Scene? I use the captioning (which works pretty good!) on live capture and video playback. It would be nice that when a scene changes, the captioning settings can be stored with it.



Community Helper
Can you go into more detail about how you would use this? You want to caption when you are on some scenes, but not when you are on others?

Robert Forsyth

New Member
Yes. I use OBS and switch between live capture card and video playback. It would be great when I switch scenes the captioning module would automatically switch its source to that scene instead of me doing manually though the menu.



Community Helper
No, that's all the information I need. Thanks for the suggestion -- I can't make any promises on if and/or when it will be implemented, but it has been heard at least.