Bug Report Cant stream in h.264


Forum Moderator
Assuming you mean NVENC, all of the encoders output h264 video including x264. Your copy of OBS is almost a year out of date so running the current version would be a good start. Maybe update your GPU drivers too if they're similarly old.


New Member
Assuming you mean NVENC, all of the encoders output h264 video including x264. Your copy of OBS is almost a year out of date so running the current version would be a good start. Maybe update your GPU drivers too if they're similarly old.
I only downloaded Studio maybe around a week ago, must've been sent an old link. Updated that and updated my drivers. Still no good. Comes up with the error message "Starting the output failed. Please check the log for details. Note: If you are using the NVENC or AMD encoders, make sure your video drivers are up to date."

Checking Geforce Experience shows my drivers are up to date.

Heres the log: https://gist.github.com/b18b017c4706dc12ec41d13edc846466