Cant setup webcam, please help


New Member
hello, I just installed OBS,
using the setup guide to install it, it does not see my webcam, or maybe i'm doing it wrong.

please help me.

its a Microsoft life cam
i have been using it for years on my streaming site, but now we have to use this software instead.

i click the plus sing to install new sources,
i chose media sources, but it doesn't show anything,

I chose video capture device, and it doesn't show anything.

what am i doing wrong??


After you select the video capture device then you name the source, after that the source properties window shows, under the preview in that window is the Device drop-down menu to select the camera

You can check Windows Device Manager to see if it is listed
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New Member
After you select the video capture device then you name the source, after that the source properties window shows, under the preview in that window is the Device drop-down menu to select the camera

You can check Windows Device Manager to see if it is listed

it is listed in device manager, I use it all the time.

thanks I will check this out after work.
Although, I do believe I finally got it to list.
I was messing around with it after this post. Not sure what I did.

I also tried to start the streaming after it was listed, The preview window shows the camera, but when I selected start streaming it went black.
do you have any advice on that?

thanks again.