Question / Help Cant see drive


New Member
So I got this drive with all my graphic files in, that I want to "import" into Obs. The thing is that I can't see the drive?

Can anyone help?

I'm on Ubuntu 18.04
Obs Studio 25.0.6 (Linux)

Log file:


New Member
Is this a OBS from a Snap?

If so Snap is an utter disgusting mess when it comes to allowing Linux to be Linux.
You cannot see files outside the hard coded filesystem that the Snap gods at Canonical allow.
Everything I can find says this is hard coded by the Canonical Nanny state to protect us poor Linux users form some security threats that exist largely in the minds of the developers of the absurd Snap system.
Yea Snaps suck.

Having said that, it looks like some of your directories are inside /media/
Have you tried:
sudo snap connect obs-studio:removable-media


New Member
I just had to install the snap version as it is the most recent so far 25.0.7.
And the command "sudo snap connect obs-studio: removable-media" solved this problem.
I believe that now it is just to put this command at startup and you will always have access to removable media.

Gabriel (Gabrisover)


Active Member
The snap is 100% not an official package, and such problems are common with the snap version.

It's not recommended to sue the snap.