Question / Help cant record in 4k


hey, i want to record locally in 4k 60 fps. my problem is that obs has heavy fps drops when motion comes to the video. i use nvenc for this and with geforce experience it works fine. here is a log file
when i would downscale the resolution in obs to 1080p it works fine. but it would be really nice when i could use obs for 4k recordings instead of geforce experience. i hope somebody can help me.


Forum Admin
16:38:51.703: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 532 (31.6%)

Your GPU can't keep up with the load of both running the game and OBS at 4k 60fps.


so is there a way to disable the rendering in obs? i think geforce exp can record 4k without problems because it doesnt have a preview. i already tried to disable the preview in obs but it still has framedrops.


Active Member
No there is not. There will be no frame coming out of your scene, without rendering that frame.
Shadowplay/Geforce Experience is using its own way of low level API access to the framebuffer, but they made this feature totally closed to other programs. Only the encoder itself is open and usable (NVENC).