Can't quit out of com.obsproject.obs-studio.mac-camera-extension (5844) with activity monitor. Possibly giving issues in continuity camera.

I've been having issues with continuity camera for many months now. I've updated all my devices etc.., but nothing seemed to work until now.The issues were as follows: In obs the options show, but with a black screen. I also would try it in Keynote and the same thing there. In deskview it would tell me I lost the connection. I tried many things for over the last week especially and it seems when I quit obs in activity monitor, com.obsproject.obs-studio.mac-camera-extension (5844) will take a lot of tries to quit. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't quit. When I finally successfully quit it then Keynote and Desktop work. Could this be a faulty extension. I probably can't delete it as OBS needs it. Also, when I choose to quit Obs tells that it didn't shut down properly and do I want to quit or re-open OBS.

In short:
Continuity camera shows a black screen with all the options.
Black screen in apple's keynote.
Black screen in OBS.
"Lost connection" in apple's deskview

Works after sucessfully quitting out of "com.obsproject.obs-studio.mac-camera-extension (5844)" taking many many tries.

Intel i7 Mac OS Ventura 13..6. 4.
IOS - most current
OBS 30.0.2 beta, but have been having issues before this release and just discovered the possible culprit.

Should I reinstall OBS or is there an easier fix? Delete the OBS preference file?

Thanks in advance!

Update: It is still there and I am unable to quit out of it. No worries as it doesn't affect continuity camera as I thought. I got continuity camera working anyways. Thanks.
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New Member
I am facing this issue too!
It turns out the file is located at /Library/SystemExtensions
You cannot remove these files without turning off SIP (System Integrity Protection) via Recovery Mode.
I am yet to test this out using Recovery Mode but ill let you know what happens

I hope comment helps!
I am facing this issue too!
It turns out the file is located at /Library/SystemExtensions
You cannot remove these files without turning off SIP (System Integrity Protection) via Recovery Mode.
I am yet to test this out using Recovery Mode but ill let you know what happens

I hope comment helps!
Thanks so much as you are the only one who has a fix for it. However, it doesn't seem to affect continuity camera like I thought it did, but for some reason I need to restart OBS at least twice and then it works fine. Do you find that after you delete it in safe mode and turn off SIP that it reappears after you restart OBS? Thanks
I am glad this helped, but I am pretty sure, as soon as you restart OBS it should just reappear.
Well, as mentioned I was having issues with continuity camera. I really had spent too much time trying to figure it out. I was on the phone with apple and it appeared my external drive was too slow. It does take a long time to boot and continuity camera wasn't working when he was on the phone. I bought an SSD, but waited before I started to use it to troubleshoot with the clean hd. However, it didn't work with a clean SSD though. During that time it turned out that it does work with my non- SSD drive and should when I transfer everything over. Not sure what affect this etension is having on my OBS, if any, but I do know that OBS needs to be loaded a few times before it works right. I used to have many versions of OBS loaded in case a new plugin isn't working properly, but i uninstalled all, but one. In conclusion, other than the restarts it does what I want it to do. Good luck with what you want to do with OBS if you can't delete that etension.