Bug Report Cant open OBS after downloading


New Member
Hey im new to this and was wondering what can be done if at all to fix the problem that i cant open Obs at all after first downloading it (0.4.2)


New Member
What error is it giving you when you try to open it?

Screen Shot 2014-08-24 at 6.29.05 PM.png


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
This is a bug that happens if you're using a version of mac under 10.8. We forgot to set the version requirement, so instead of telling you that it isn't supported on your mac OS version, it simply crashes. At least that's what I'm guessing in your case. Are you on 10.7 or below? If so then that's the problem. You just need to update to 10.9 (which is free on the app store)

If it's not the mac OS version however and you're on 10.8.5+, then press "Report" and give me the crash report.