Bug Report Can't mute audio in preview window


New Member

I use to be able to mute desktop audio coming from line in in regular OBS but in OBS MP i'm not able to mute audio coming from the line in anymore. Is it something you guys are aware of or is it a configuration problem on my side?

My setup is as follow.

PS3 Video is captured from S-Video input in Hauppauge
PS3 Audio in feed in Line in port on PC

I had to go in crossbar to change audio output and select Line in as input audio to be able mix audio to the video stream.

I was able to mute audio coming from my PS3 in the preview window so i would not be force to listen to two audio feed at the same time but it seem i can't do this in OBS MP.

P.S. Everything was working great in regular OBS until i accidentally pressed refresh in the capture device plugin menu. Now i can't get any video/audio from my PS3. This is why i'm testing OBS MP.
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