cant hear audio when obs is open


New Member
Hi, So I cant hear any audio when obs is open for some reason but obs still registers the audio can someone please help me fix this issue?


Active Member
You're using a Bluetooth headset. See this thread.

tl;dr you need to either disable the microphone capture within OBS, or manually select your correct audio output when the device switch occurs.


Active Member
but what if I want to record with my mic and hear music at the same time without obs detecting it?
You didn't read the linked thread. There are bluetooth headsets who switch to voip mode which is somewhat low quality as soon as the mic is activated. It's either voip or music, but not both. There are also wireless headsets which come with their own dongle which don't switch and support both simultaneously. You have probably one that only uses native bluetooth and that does this switch. They are using different audio devices, one labeled with "hands free", and one other, and you need to capture both to capture both audio modes.


New Member
Nvm I found a solution, I had to set the output of the music app I was using to headset instead of headphone Thanks for the help though