Question / Help Cant get sharp looking text from FreeText tool


Is there something Im missing here ? I have tried multiple methods at getting the text displayed from the built in FreeText tool to not look like an 1990 CGA video game but alas all in vain. Text is all smooshy and jagged. Is this just the way the built in text tool renders the text or is there a 3rd party plugin that does way better at text rendering? Casting at 720P I should be able to get better looking text. Also when graphic images get resized they are getting munged terribly. OBS original was master at nice crisp text and image manipulation - is there something I'm missing here or....


  • Untitled.png
    45.7 KB · Views: 68
We'd need a lot more information to help you out, my personal experience with the text tool in OBS MP is that it delivers great results. Same for images but that is beside the point.

I'm not 100% sure how to help you troubleshoot this but it would be good to get the details of which font you are using, what the size of the font is and a full screen image of the results. Showing us a zoomed in snip of the total image doesn't help that much, if you zoom in close enough on any graphic image you'll see edges :-)

If you have scaled the text window by resizing it in the preview then you may find going and choosing a larger size of the font will help you get a clearer text render. You could also try it the other way and choose a large font size say 48 and then shrinking the resultant image on the preview.