Question / Help Can't find Audio Delay to sync with Camera


New Member
I have recently been helping my friend with being able to get OBS to pick up the HD PVR 2 and we learned about OBS Multiplatform 0.10.1 and it works great! We got everything working fine, except we can't get the audio to sync with the delay we have to put on the camera due to the Wii U and the Xbox 360 delaying through the HD PVR 2. Can anyone help me on this situation?

Much Appreciated,



New Member
Yes we clicked on the gear right beside Mixer and copied the same number as we did for the filter offset for the camera video


Community Helper
Are you sure you applied the offset to the right audio source? Because that should fix the sync issue.How much did you play around with different values for the sync offset?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Keep in mind it's in milliseconds, which is a unit that is 1/1000th of a second, so if you wanted to delay by 1 second you'd enter in 1000 for example.