Question / Help Can't capture Maniaplanet with OBS Studio


i have for some versions now the problem that I'm not able to capture Maniaplanet in Fullscreen at all, sometimes it is just black at OBS preview, sometimes it does capture a second and than the preview freeze. I tried even to reinstall my Windows but that didn't fix my problem.
It does work with the lagacy OBS but that does not perform so well with quicksync. Also it does work if i do play in Window mode and make a desktop capture but that way i get barely 40 FPS while i have 120 in Fullscreen.

Somebody have a idea how to get it working?

Maniaplanet settings




My OBS log

if you want to reproduce it, you can get the game here (just create a acc and you can play)

Thanks for help.


So is this normal that OBS legacy can capture a game while multiplatform can't?

also if there is a info missing, please write it so i can add the info.

Suslik V

Active Member
Display mode: WindowedFull in game and 'Window Capture' in OBS Studio also works.

I have struggle to capture game Fullscreen mode with 'Game Capture', image is freezing at first captured frame, then Size in transform options went to zero (in some cases) and Studio captures nothing (alt-tabbing for check).

Don't know, what happened to the game maybe this is not true fullscreen, it also has built-in capture mechanism for streaming (at least to Twitch), but it would be interesting if some of the developers can look at it.

Log from my attempt: (just from test: first capture was 'successful' - one frame, then only cursor moving in video; then I specified exe in capture properties - Size turns to zero, reverted to any fullscreen and got typical black screen - Size still zero, fit to screen, result - black rectangle as overlay for movie players and very good encoding (5.9% loss) of the completely black by x264 :) Also I can say that, miniature picture of the game completely black when I alt-tabbing between Studio and ManiaPlanet (if it has sense).

P.S. See post below: changed to other game version, log-in, downloaded updates - resolved all my issues. Good Luck.
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That does not work for me, even on a fresh windows installation that does not work for me with OBS Studo. Is there a way to get a more advanced debug log?

Suslik V

Active Member
You don't need any special settings to capture this application. Add new 'Game Capture' - that's all. You may try 1920x1080 as in game settings (my game was rendered at 1600x900, FullScreen, Normal).