Bug Report Can't add VLC Video Source


I can try, but v20.1.0 was working great for me. Then suddenly it started crashing at start up.
I deleted the scene folders and now it starts up fine, but when I add a VLC source it crashes.


Active Member
I ask about older versions of OBS because you're on an old version of MacOS. I'm not certain that builds of 20.x are being tested against Yosemite-- probably just High Sierra, Sierra, and possibly El Capitan at this point, if I had to guess. If your OS was one point rev earlier, I can say for certain OBS 20.x would not work at all.

So I'm wondering if there's a reason that you're still on Yosemite, and if so, if that might also mean downgrading OBS to a version that's known to work on that OS.