Question / Help Cannot hear my computer audio when iShowu is engaged, as well as OBS


New Member
Hello everyone! I'm hoping someone can help me here. I downloaded OBS and Ishowu to capture my computer audio. It worked previously, but for other reasons I had to uninstall and reinstall both. I've done everything correctly like before and no sound. I created a multi output device on my audio midi setup. I have an Apollo twin. I added my interface and iShowu on it. Then on sound preferences for input I have my universal audio device, on output I have the multi output device. On OBS I have computer audio using ishowu. And, yet, no sound. As a matter of fact when I play iTunes it looks like it's playing but the numbers don't move and no sound comes out. On YouTube when I play it doesn't even play it just stays in a loading form. Like, the video doesn't even play. I don't know what happened I wonder if someone can help me out here. a big thank you in advance!
I hope someone answers you soon. My church just received the ATEM Mini and am supposed to go live tomorrow with it. Problem is, OBS does not work on any audio device. Even if I select the built-in web cam, it does not work. Video: no problem, audio: nothing. This is horrible.
Hello Maarz12. I just read on a different thread where someone said to check Security and Privacy. I checked and sure enough that was the problem! The checkmark for OBS was not checked, which denied OBS access to any microphone. So, go to "Security and Privacy" on your computer. On the left column you will see that "Location Services is highlighted. Look down approximately 7 items below, it will say "Microphone." Click that once and the column on the right will change to programs with access to microphones. If your OBS is not checked, simply check it and you should be good to go! Im back in business and hope this is the same issue you are having.


Active Member
iShowU is only necessary to capture audio generated by a local application on your machine. It's nothing to do with external audio devices. There's no reason to create an aggregate device that includes both iShowU and an external device; that's not going to help-- not for the Apollo, not for the ATEM.

If OBS isn't getting audio from an external device, it's either 1) permissions or 2) that's a multichannel device and OBS basically only understands stereo and surround. For those people I suggest Rogue Amoeba's LoopBack, because it can generate any number of needed virtual devices and you can assign whatever channels from hardware devices you want to them, and OBS can see the virtual devices. (This does everything iShowU/SoundFlower did and more).