Hello everyone! I'm hoping someone can help me here. I downloaded OBS and Ishowu to capture my computer audio. It worked previously, but for other reasons I had to uninstall and reinstall both. I've done everything correctly like before and no sound. I created a multi output device on my audio midi setup. I have an Apollo twin. I added my interface and iShowu on it. Then on sound preferences for input I have my universal audio device, on output I have the multi output device. On OBS I have computer audio using ishowu. And, yet, no sound. As a matter of fact when I play iTunes it looks like it's playing but the numbers don't move and no sound comes out. On YouTube when I play it doesn't even play it just stays in a loading form. Like, the video doesn't even play. I don't know what happened I wonder if someone can help me out here. a big thank you in advance!