Can I restore the video if I switch down my PC without pressing 'Stop Recording' button at OBS?


New Member
Hello, I tried to find similar question before creating new topic, but failed. If it exists, plz, give me a link)
I have a trouble: I forgot to stop video recording before switching down my PC and video is crashed.
Maybe there exists some manual, where described how can I restore my video.
I attached my log file.


  • 2020-06-07 11-02-14.txt
    13.7 KB · Views: 522


New Member
I failed to find any way to edit my first message, so I'll write next message)
I tried to parse myself this log file, but I don't understand it. It looks like if it's all ok, but I miss something. I tried to compare right log file with this wrong log file. In the beginning it's looks similar, but then, in the end, when I'm switching down my PC, there a lot of strings, that I don't understand.
I also have Adobe Premiere at my PC. Maybe this is some way to try to restore my file there?


Active Member
You recorded to *.mp4. If gracefully closing/finalizing a mp4 file doesn't take place, the whole file is broken and lost beyond repair.

According to your log, OBS was at some point unable to continue to write to the file and terminated. That was probably the moment you shut your PC down. If you aren't able to watch the first seconds of this video in any media player, you can safely assume this file wasn't finalized, so it's lost. Completely.

To avoid this situation, you need to record to a file format that's not so sensitive for finalizing. Record to *.mkv or *.flv. These files can be repaired and reconstructed to the point of the interruption.


New Member
Yeah, thanks a lot) I've found the same advice at another place. They also suggest to use .flv instead of .mp4.
And now, as I have new information, I have 3 new questions:
1. Is there any settings in OBS, that will automatically remake my file to .mp4, if I'll make .flv recording?) Stupid question, but nevertheless want to ask it))
2. If it was at .mp4 I have no hope to recover it, yes? The weight of recording is big and I think I miss only some small thing in the end of it's structure. Maybe I can add something in the structure and recover my file?
3. Is there any settings that I can find to make some notification for me about OBS is running, when I try to switch my PC? Maybe there is some settings, where I can check some checkbox, that will not allow me to switch off my PC, while OBS is running?))


New Member
I googled for more information and found similar topic. As I understand, I can try to find how to recover mp4 missing moov atom :) So when I'll have time I'll try to use it)


Active Member
To automate creating mp4 safely, record to *.mkv and activate Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4.

If OBS is running and recording or not, can be seen from the OBS system tray icon in the bottom right corner of the Windows task bar. If the icon is moved by Windows to the overflow area, make it permanently visible with Windows. To activate the tray icon in the first place, activate OBS Settings->General->System tray->Enable.

As far as the truncated mp4 is concerned, this is gone. You will waste your time by trying to recover it. And don't tell anyone you weren't warned. OBS uses mkv as default and displays a permanent warning notification in the configuration window if you set a fragile recording format like mp4. You changed it from mkv to mp4, got the warning, and you ignored it.


New Member
Ha-ha, I'm too stubborn and I restored my video) I have also Fedora at my PC and use it for restoring) It's a free software untrunc, that helped me) I googled 'mp4 missing moov atom' and find it)
You should just provide two files: one good and your broken file. They both should be made with the same source, e.g. same program or same camera.
First I tried untrunc from the creator - ponchio, but it doesn't work for me. In the beginning it couldn't find codec. Then I found another guy that made a branch and a lot of improvements) Here is a link to anthwlock's repository. It's really great.
I made it at my Fedora OS, but at his page he said that he also have a Windows variant)
So if somebody will be at the same situation, as me, you can use this program) It's really awesome and I restored my video very fast) It's like a miracle))


Active Member
Did you examine the whole video and it was fine? Congratulations! I also tried untrunc in the past, with the same procedure (one good, one truncated file), but the restored video showed mashed frames. It contained some valid frames, but in between many frames were broken. Some only half, some only part of the whole, some washed, whatever. It was not nothing, but it was not usable as well.


New Member
Yes, all video is ok. And it took me about 10-15 minutes to recover huge video, that was about 4.5Gb)) I saw the repository of anthwlock and saw that the last commit was 5 days ago and it gave me a hope) On his page was written that he now maintains untrunc and made a lot of improvements, so I decided to check if I can recover) I was really surprised how easy and how fast this program works))


New Member
You are my hero, Lennylee!

Congratulations on finding a solution to your problem and for not giving in to any defeatist attitudes. I am having a different OBS issue, but you just inspired me to be more proactive and to definitely not allow anyone to make me believe there is no solution and that somehow what happened is related to any defect of character. I have a feeling you bring that to life in general.


New Member
Hi Lennylee. I need your help please. I have the same problem as you but I do not understand your instructions on how to retrieve the lost file. I am not into coding so I don't understand where to get the log file from or how to repair the corrupted mp4 file. Please help asap!


New Member
Hi again Lennylee. After my last message I just halted the 'stopping recording' process by exiting and the resulting mp4 file became playable. So it seems that the problem is solved. Thanks anyway!


New Member
Yeah, thanks a lot) I've found the same advice at another place. They also suggest to use .flv instead of .mp4.
And now, as I have new information, I have 3 new questions:
1. Is there any settings in OBS, that will automatically remake my file to .mp4, if I'll make .flv recording?) Stupid question, but nevertheless want to ask it))
2. If it was at .mp4 I have no hope to recover it, yes? The weight of recording is big and I think I miss only some small thing in the end of it's structure. Maybe I can add something in the structure and recover my file?
3. Is there any settings that I can find to make some notification for me about OBS is running, when I try to switch my PC? Maybe there is some settings, where I can check some checkbox, that will not allow me to switch off my PC, while OBS is running?))

Thank you so much for this, I cannot express my gratitude enough. I had a really important recording and I was stupid enough to shut down my computer without hitting the "Stop Recording" button. You've saved me, thank you.


New Member
Ha-ha, I'm too stubborn and I restored my video) I have also Fedora at my PC and use it for restoring) It's a free software untrunc, that helped me) I googled 'mp4 missing moov atom' and find it)
You should just provide two files: one good and your broken file. They both should be made with the same source, e.g. same program or same camera.
First I tried untrunc from the creator - ponchio, but it doesn't work for me. In the beginning it couldn't find codec. Then I found another guy that made a branch and a lot of improvements) Here is a link to anthwlock's repository. It's really great.
I made it at my Fedora OS, but at his page he said that he also have a Windows variant)
So if somebody will be at the same situation, as me, you can use this program) It's really awesome and I restored my video very fast) It's like a miracle))
I just tried the Windows version and it worked perfectly. My son is very thankful since I would have lost half of his hockey game (including an awesome save on his part). Thank you for posting this!!