Can’t capture the audio from my mixer! Help!

Sonia Gabriella

New Member
Hi guys! I am new using OBS and I spent two days watching tutorials. All was fine for what concern the video but I have problem to riproduce the soundtracks coming out from my Mac. I have audio connected to my mixer (2 voices+2 guitars). I made a lot changment in the audio section but with no results! I was supposed to have a live session (I play and sing together with my husband) but I preferred postpone to July 9th to get more time to fix the problem. This is my scenario: 2 mics+2 guitars connected each in one channel of my Digital Soundcraft.
My Mac Book pro (from which I send the soundtracks) is connected with an external audio device (Edirol). From the main out of this device (left and right) I go into two channel of the mixer.
Result: I can’t catch in OBS the sound of the Soundtrack. I set on Edirol to catch the voices and the guitars but no way to catch the soundtracks coming out from the computer. Any suggestions??? I am desperate!!!