Cameras 'disappear' after reboot/transport

Producer John

New Member
Anyone else have an issue with video sources not connecting to your scenes? I set up a 3 cam scene (2 Droidcam OBS cellcams, and a webcam). Everything had perfect functionality. Shut off, tore down, moved to studio, set up exactly as before teardown (same cams, same USB ports, hell, I even used same wiring). Fired up pc, OBS, went to start show, but had NO camera input. After trying various things, I removed all cams from the scene, and reinserted. DroidcamOBS refused to work at all (it didn't recognize either cellcam on USB, nor WiFi), but the webcam came on, then I bypassed DCOBS by using one cellcam on the original Droidcam, and another webcam (luckily we had a spare) .

Has anyone seen this issue before? Is it something I did incorrectly? Will we have to delete/reinsert video sources every show? --We broadcast our radio show to FB Live and share the studio, so must break down/store our equipment.

Producer John

New Member
Tuna, you're sucha rockstar. (yes, hoping flattery works) I am revisiting this issue now, since the problem reared up again. I looked at the patch, uncertain how to do it. Git hub confuses me. I installed/upgraded OBS thru the Software Manager in Mint. Fearful SM & Github are non-compatible. Fearful of editing udev too, anything really, since last time I attempted an edit, I was led to a clean OS install. I asked Mint forum if I could patch the program installed from SW Manager. Waiting on reply. Reading on udev rules also, perhaps I may break my screw-up streak heh.