Question / Help Camera is lagging before even streaming


New Member
I'm quite new to streaming, and things have been going pretty good, but my main problem would be my camera.... And it got way worse today.

Before I even stream my camera begins to lag in OBS. I would have to close and open it back up to stop the lag, and hope it doesn't start up again. This thankfully died down, and I had a perfect stream yesterday, where I could start it up and keep going with no problems.

However, today it feels like no matter what I do I can't stop the camera from lagging seconds into opening OBS. I'm beginning to think it is just my camera, as anything else pertaining to OBS works perfectly fine. I was hoping to fix this soon, but now I'm almost 2 1/2 hours behind my streaming schedule. I thankfully have the next two days of not streaming to see if I can get this figured out.

Any suggestions on how to remedy this?


New Member
Any recommendations for settings is also extremely appreciated! Ever since I began streaming (Only last week) I've been changing a lot of things here and there, seeing what works best, but I'm still quite confused around the whole thing


1. Go to settings->Advanced:
Renderer = Direct3D 11
Color Format = NV12
YUV Color Space = 709
YUv color Range = Partial

2. According to the log you posted, you're using Game capture on Explorer.exe. Please don't do that. Use Game capture for Games, and Window capture for Browsers, and Explorer, and such. If you do not have a game to capture, then delete that source.

3. Re-install/update to the latest available drivers for your Webcam.

After you address the above 3, try again and see if the problem clears up, and let us know either way.