Bug Report Building 18.0: can't find libobs.so.0


I've built OBS from Git yesterday and it went unexpectedly smooth, except for one thing.

I was able to run the binary from build/UI/obs, but after completing the last step of Debian build instructions - building and installing a deb package - obs can't find a library and fails to run:
unfa@unfa-Latitude-3550 ~/obs-studio/build/UI $ obs
obs: error while loading shared libraries: libobs.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory​

For comparison this works fine (note the ./ prefix before obs):
unfa@unfa-Latitude-3550 ~/obs-studio/build/UI $ ./obs​

And I checked, there's a libobs.so.0 build present in build/libobs:
unfa@unfa-Latitude-3550 ~/obs-studio/build/libobs $ ls
CMakeFiles LibObsConfig.cmake LibObsConfigVersion.cmake LibObsTarget.cmake Makefile cmake_install.cmake libobs.so libobs.so.0​

Also - I want to say that ffmpeg is finally available from Debian repos with no problems, so information about trouble with getting ffmpeg is obsolete now: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/wiki/Install-Instructions#debian-based-build-directions

I first installed all dependencies, then installed packages listed under (Debian Jesse):
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libavdevice-dev libfdk-aac-dev​
and all seems to work perfectly fine.


PS: actually running the obs binary from the build/UI directory doesn't work anymore after building and installing the .deb package. It raises the same error about libobs.so.0 not being found.