Question / Help Buggy RTSP Media Source Performance


New Member
So, I've seen this addressed as a side-note on a few other threads, but haven't found anything directly on this.

It appears that, although OBS can open an h.264 encoded RTSP stream from an IP camera (as a Media Source using a "rtsp://x.x.x.x/path" URL), it's buggy.

Pretty consistently it will decode well for about 40 minutes, and then start introducing artifacts. Using the application my camera comes with to monitor, the artifacts aren't in the source stream, it's OBS's decoding of it. Simply opening the media source properties and hitting "OK" fixes it for a while, which reinforces it's an OBS issue.

Those other threads I mention simply boil down to "OBS's RTSP support isn't very good".

Any other suggestions or options, or am I just out of luck hoping OBS will do this reliably in it's current state?

