Bug Report [BUG?] Media Source Not Looping


New Member
Hi all,

Using the OS X (10.10.5) version of OBS 0.13.1 now after the update on Feb 4th.

My issue:
Before Update: Media Source > Animated Gif > Loop = Loops endlessly.
After Update: Media Source > Animated Gif > Loop = Plays once and then doesn't loop.

I have tried to mess with the original then deleted the Source, re-added them and tried every combo of check box clicking to get it to loop. Didn't work. :(

Also tried to go back into Photoshop and setup looping there to see if that would help. Still no go.

Anyone else having this issue? A solution?


- Kismet


New Member
Can confirm that unlike other media, animated gif files do not seem to loop in 0.13.1.

Thanks for the reply. Good to get this confirmed that its not just me.

Guess its time for a work around. Going to just open the gif file up in photoshop and copy > Paste all the frames a ton of times to create the illusion of looping. Going to make the file size about 10x larger, but gotta do what ya gotta do.

If anyone finds a better work around please post a reply. :)

- Kismet


New Member
hahahaha, Great Catch! You just became my new favorite person on the forums. :) Much LOVE for your help! :)

Tested it, works perfect. The simplest solutions are often the best. They should of so mentioned that in the update list, hehe.

Now I can stop using my 80mb (Yes megabyte) gif image with 12,000 frames to keep my info looping on stream. :) Back to my 800k one. :)

For your help I went and followed you on twitter, Liked on Facebook and followed Twitch. Streamers gonna spread around the love. :)

Thanks again!

- Kismet

I found you can add it like a regular image now, instead of media source :)


hahahaha, Great Catch! You just became my new favorite person on the forums. :) Much LOVE for your help! :)

Tested it, works perfect. The simplest solutions are often the best. They should of so mentioned that in the update list, hehe.

Now I can stop using my 80mb (Yes megabyte) gif image with 12,000 frames to keep my info looping on stream. :) Back to my 800k one. :)

For your help I went and followed you on twitter, Liked on Facebook and followed Twitch. Streamers gonna spread around the love. :)

Thanks again!

- Kismet
Thanks man! Trust me, I was actually pretty mad about it not being noted in the update because I use the shit out of gifs in my stream :)
I even made a mention of it in another of my threads myself!

Glad to be of help!