Browser Source Volume Controls


New Member
Is it currently possible for Browser Sources to have volume controls? If so, that would be awesome.

During my research into this I saw older threads that said that there were limitations in CEF preventing things like this from happening, but I was wondering if anything has changed recently.

Thanks in advance!


Community Helper
Funny you should ask, because yes, CEF recently (within the past week) merged some code that allows OBS to capture audio streams. There's already a pull request up for this feature ( but there are some challenges that still need to be overcome first. Rest assured that this is something we have been paying very close attention to.


New Member
as a side question to this, instead of creating a whole new suggestion, does this update support choosing what audio output device we want to use? But the volume thing would be nice


Community Helper
With the PR, the browser source would be routed to OBS itself, like a media source or capture card. Then you could monitor it with whatever device you want to set as your monitor out.


New Member
Hope there will be a Update soon that allowowes you to change the Volume and stuff from Browser Sources! I think it would help a lot of people!
Very much agree, this is one of those things that cause headaches all around, if you use an alert system for tips ect they route to the same audio device as the game in most use cases of single computer streaming. not being able to separate those two "tracks" can lead to super loud alerts when games are quiet or the opposite if games are loud. Fingers crossed


New Member
From version 24.0, you can now do so. Just be sure to check "Control Audio via OBS" in the browser source's properties.