Bug Report Browser Source is extremly slow @v0.16.x


New Member

i just wonder if u changed the Browser-engine?

Since i update to OBS V0.16.x my "BrowserSource"-Scenes slows down.
Normaly i use up to 3 Sources at once. But the Performance slow down and everything looks like Slowmotion.

Also there are some Sources that didnt work anymore
e.g. http://codepen.io/at80/pen/tqdmv
Full-Screen: http://www.faulizockt.de/test/index.html

This was working fine until now.


edit: better example-link added
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Active Member
Nothing in the plugin was changed that should affect performance. It also uses the same CEF version as before.
The link you pasted doesn't really do anything here, the preview part of the page is just blank.


When loaded with Chrome, they're blank. The OBS Browser source is Chrome-based. You need to make sure your source URLs work in Chrome.


New Member
Thank you for this info...
Now the performance is muchs better and everything is working again!

I know that the Browser Source is a little bit slower then a native Browser..
But it's good / fast enough for the things i do..