Bug Report Browser Source Crashes / Takes Up A lot of CPU


I've been having frame issues lately, and have noticed that the Browser Source has been the root of my issues. I believe this post is both a Bug Report and a Help Request :D Here are the issues I'm experiencing:
  1. Local pages I load (that are simple HTML files with very minor JS running) take up A LOT of CPU (cef-bootstrap shows about 20% CPU for each source) - I typically have 4 Browser Sources running
  2. Adding new browser sources frequently cause crashes, local files and files on the net
    1. I tested the OBS website, Google.Com, and even some other random sites - adding all caused crashes
  3. Adding a browser source as a "local file" never works.
The attached log ending in -58.txt shows the instance when a crash occurred as a browser source was created. The Log ending in -23.txt is when I started OBS with my other Browser Source files loaded. This is when i noticed the extremely high CPU.

I "started streaming" only once and saw almost 600 dropped frames in a short amount of time. Most of them seemed to be due to encoding issues. I want to think that crashes and dropped frames are related, but I'm not sure, of course.

Is this an issue with the Browser Source or are there any changes I can make to my settings to help improve this?

The issue is more of a 'freeze' rather than crash.


  • 2016-02-17 21-00-58.txt
    7.2 KB · Views: 29
  • 2016-02-17 20-29-23.txt
    15.3 KB · Views: 17
Last edited:


Dropped frames are always a connection issue.
Also, does it crash or freeze?

Strange. I've had no issues until recently. My upload is more than enough (20+ Mbps) - I typically stream at 720p, 2,500 bitrate.

It freezes. I typically have to manually close it.


Active Member
Regarding the cpu usage, is the content you are loading static? Animations tend to increase the cpu usage quite a bit. Also, what's the cpu usage in Chrome for that content?

What local files are you loading? The ones i've tried all seem to work, do keep in mind that you need to use relative links in the html.


Regarding the cpu usage, is the content you are loading static? Animations tend to increase the cpu usage quite a bit. Also, what's the cpu usage in Chrome for that content?

What local files are you loading? The ones i've tried all seem to work, do keep in mind that you need to use relative links in the html.

In Chrome their usage runs about 3-5% at max. For OBS i'm seeing them over 20%. There are some animations, yes - but nothing too crazy.

The only way I can get the local files to display is by unchecking local file and then pasting in the file path as the URL. So in t is case It'd be C:/Users/Derek/Desktop/Test/intro.html

Here's a Giphy link of me adding a file in (I promise the file exists/works)


Could you upload the html and any other files it requires somewhere so I can test it?

Well, I figured out the issue (at least on my end)... and I feel like an idiot.

There's a line of JS in the head of my document that loads "Live Reload" - an app I sometimes use for development.

<script>document.write('<script src="http://' + (location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></' + 'script>')</script>

I removed that and it loads under local file, and also has very low CPU usage. The one thing I noticed though, is that IFrames don't load. This isn't a really big issue, but I wasn't sure if it was intended.

Thanks for helping me find the answer.

Ruhai Hu

I think I am having a similar issue using reveal.js, using fairly simple pages, at least I would think they are simple. I have the slides transitioning every 10 seconds.

OBS Studio doesn't load correctly when it crashes nor does it give me a crash log. I have to manually close. Windows logs and obs logs don't show much.

Suggestions for determining if this is browser source issue or obs? Or it just not being able to handle the pages?

Files are here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4i92rgjpcx8h8f5/AADHTOcoLDgnfzlocaXgXiyxa?dl=0


New Member
I wanted to chime in on this thread seeing the "Lot of CPU usage" would be covered here and mention that I to have the issue as well. Yes, it does have animations so anytime even one animation happens (which includes just refreshing a small line of image on the page). CEF-bootstrap.exe does take about 20% of the cpu power on its own which obviously makes x264 a little difficult. If the page itself is static however, then it is fine with 0-2% usage. Source usage is webpage overlay methods varying anywhere from 640x480 and 1920x1080 (Higher res increases cpu usage when triggered).

I am on an i5-4690.

Using some quick checks on Firefox, Vivaldi, and Edge, the same overlays use no more than 8% maximum. I'd be happy to provide web links in private message for testing if it helps if it hasn't already been figured out.

So now I have to ask, if it has been found already, will this be fixed for version 0.14?


New Member
Mind if I ask how? I found a related forum post about how until 13.1, it seemed browser was working fine and 13.1, it caused some heavy lag for someone (listed at 80% I believe). I also noticed there was the talk about some issue with flash as well and that somehow got fixed I guess with a newer version? And it seems talking about how browser sources work on regular OBS (albeit with CLR Browser which I understand is not core of OBS and maintained by someone else) doesn't have the issue, this leads me to believe that it is either an OBS or how the cef-bootstrap function of the browser is being done. My mind leads more inline with the cef-bootstrap.

Now granted, I would guess if everyone could just switch and use local files on everything or have 4th, 5th, or 6th gen systems with i7s, it may not be much of an issue, but if the browser is using a renderer similar to chrome and somehow its using 20% when Vivaldi (which by the way is using Chromium renderer as well) in addition to Firefox webkit is doing less than 10% on the same exact page web page on trial tests while cef-bootstrap.exe for that browser render of the same page is doing 20%, that makes me believe its more towards the browser extension. So if that is the case, who do you report to if it gets seen by multiple people that don't have i7s?