Bug Report Broken NVENC Files in Adobe


New Member
Been having an issue for the last 2 months (basically since I updated to 0.16.5) where any NVENC recordings I bring into any Adobe products have a green frame to open and take 5 years to open with. Transcoding doesn't help because the transcodes take well over an hour for a 1 minute video.

Log: https://gist.github.com/dfdd30cabe8bd4adf8869e339bab78f4

Link to a test video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7fux828s5sv2okj/2016-12-15 11-22-23.mov?dl=0

Haven't tried through Shadowplay or a x264 video in OBS itself.


Forum Admin
19:14:15.019: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Cannot allocate memory
19:14:18.983: Device Remove/Reset! Rebuilding all assets...

This appears to be related to the Win10AU bug. In theory, this was patched in the newest nvidia driver, 376.33. Try updating your drivers and see if you still have the same issues.


Active Member
Update OBS

19:14:11.585: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Cannot allocate memory
Run OBS 64 bits. Copy shortcut and hook it to OBS 64 bits.

Have you tryed remuxing videos with OBS?


New Member
19:14:15.019: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Cannot allocate memory
19:14:18.983: Device Remove/Reset! Rebuilding all assets...

This appears to be related to the Win10AU bug. In theory, this was patched in the newest nvidia driver, 376.33. Try updating your drivers and see if you still have the same issues.

Will try.

Update OBS

19:14:11.585: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Cannot allocate memory
Run OBS 64 bits. Copy shortcut and hook it to OBS 64 bits.

Have you tryed remuxing videos with OBS?
View attachment 22047
Remuxing did let it open in Premiere, it introduced some stuttering into the video but not enough to make it unusable. And I'm updated to 0.16.6