Broadcast program


New Member
Not sure program is the right word. I have setup OBS Broadcaster in our church to live stream our church services. Overall we have been very successful. In a few short months we have been able to provide a very good streaming experience. However; because we are using volunteers to run the broadcast, we are running into knowledge/creativity limitations. We are using three camera with one being a fixed position and two being PTZ cameras and then a printed out broadcast program of the service flow with what scenes to use in order. Overall this works pretty well, but when there are long scenes they are switching shots with the same PTZ camera and creating "camera movement" which detracts from the overall broadcast. What I am looking for is a plugin that I can list all the scenes in order so that the person can just click down a list and not have to remember, I was on scene "A" and I need to switch to Scene "B" with lower thirds, then switch to Scene "B" without lower thirds, then Scene "D",then Scene "A" zoomed in, etc. I looked at the "automatic scene switcher" and it looks like it has everything I need except to tell each step I want to run the scene switches manually. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Forum Admin
A scene can be added as a source. You can use this to create a scene which references another scene.


You could take a simple, free program like UpDeck and create a deck for a tablet or phone that has 1 button for each scene. Then instruct them to press the appropriate button at the beginning of each scene. You can even have buttons to start/stop recording and streaming. You could build a simple deck that does everything they need and have them not have to interract with OBS at all.


New Member
Hello mball2301... I am also doing a Livestreaming Church service using OBS. To start with I am not an expert and there is more ways then 1 to get around most problems. We are using a presentation software OpenLP (Open Source) most churches are using ProPresentor that I have seen. This method should work in both. I set up the slide default theme has a green background and the words are in the lower third. I then set up a scene for just my green overlay slides (I call mine Green_Slides). I use a chrome Key (Green) so that everything but the words is blanked out. (Basically a Green Screen). I then nest the Green_Slides scene into any other scenes that I need the word overlays on. I am also currently experimenting with Updeck as Tangential noted. This can allow you to have one person concentrating on the Word slides and another person concentrating on the cameras and framing and positioning. We have a 4 camera PTZOptics set up and I am doing both camera and slides which is a lot for one person. PTZOptics has a plug-in for OBS to control the cameras and have preset, this makes it easier in that while I have the center camera broadcasting I can be moving the right or left with the presets then once they are done moving switch to them. I have found the multi-camera services are much more visually engaging. So much more to learn... All for one and one for all!!!


New Member
Thank you for your post of information RAllam. I am looking at the OBS plugin to control the scenes now. We use EasyWorship for our Slides and use NDI to pull them in as a source for a scene. We have been able to do a lot of good PIP shots doing this. I also am a Noobs to this whole process and was lucky my daughter was a gamer/streamer or I would not have gotten it all setup in a short time frame. I do agree with you that multi camera services are more visually engaging. We use three PTZOptics cameras (and I wish I had a fourth for "band" days). As far as presets, I am using the studio mode and have created a script to trigger a camera preset in the preview scene. This has worked well most of the time (sometimes operator forgets what scene they are on, even thought they have it on a paper list).

The two issues I am down to now is a timer on the lower thirds to turn them off after n seconds in the active scene and an enhancement in OBS to have the scene names above the windows in studio mode. The first one I just have not looked enough to see if there is already a script built. The second I saw in the enhancements forum, but that is why I was looking for the scene switcher (I found a java app called scene queue that looks promising).