Bounty!$$ Feature suggestion


New Member
I have a 30$ bounty for the following feature additions.

I would like a hotkey for playing a video from the video plugin on OBS.
I would also like a transparency bar setting in the settings tab for the video feature (Similar to the image transparency setting).

Admittedly, I am quite the layman in this skillset of coding, but I do hope its possible. If you can make these feature additions to OBS and provide the OBS community with these improvements, the bounty is yours!

Yes 30$ isn't much. But its a crap ton in my country (South Africa) and I'd really think everyone can enjoy this.


Forum Admin
You can already accomplish both these things.

Just set a hotkey to show/hide the media source and configure it to restart playback when it becomes visible.

Color Correction filter allows you to set a source's transparency.