Question / Help Blurry Sttreamlabs overlays when resizing?

mista julius

New Member
Hi, up to now i have been streaming with Lightstream using Streamlabs overlays. I am looking to start using OBS instead on my Macbook. So I have tried switching Lightstream for OBS, pretty much just using all the same overlays. It seems when i import the Streamlabs content into OBS the overlays become blurry in comparison to when in Lightstream, this becomes particularly more noticeable when trying to resize. I have tried scale resizing and Properties height & width changing. Anybody else have any knowledge on this problem?

Jack Franzen

New Member
try right-clicking the individual elements in OBS and set their scale filtering. There are higher quality options to help you when resizing, but there is a performance inmpact.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If possible, it may help for your overlays' resolution to be the same resolution as your canvas (or close to it) to avoid repeated scaling of the overlay elements. If your base/canvas resolutions are different between Lightstream and OBS, you may want to remake or rescale your overlays outside of OBS first.