Question / Help Blurry stream log file


New Member
Adjust your Video Settings.

base resolution: 1280x720
output resolution: 1920x1080

Must be the other way around, otherwise OBS will try to scale it from 1280x720 to 1920x1080 and it gets blurry.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Thanks! I tried this, but it's still blurry however...
At least... The quality on YouTube is not equal to the quality in OBS.
Should it be equal anyway? Or is there a difference in quality expected?
If I stream from my webcam directly into youtube it looks very good.
Shouldn't I be able to get the same quality from Webcam into OBS to youtube?


New Member
1: Set both your base and output resolutions to 1080p. That avoids any scaling issues.
2: You need to set your encoding settings for this resolution...

a. Go to Settings > Output
b. Mode: Simple
c. Video bit rate: 6000 Kbps
d. Audio bit rate: 128

This is based on the recommendations of YouTube from their help documentation.

The video will still have some pixelation compared to the main video, you could try upping the video as high as 9000 Kbps but it might not really matter if YouTube compresses it.

However it should look pretty good and in no way blurry thats for sure. This is a test video for a project I am working on at work which was streamed using the above settings from OBS on macOS.



New Member
While 9000 kbps may be desirable, few household internet connections can keep up with that bitrate. We had good quality on 2500-5000 kbps bitrates @720p, which in most cases is more than enough unless you need the detail (depends on what you're streaming - we do mostly interviews).


New Member
Sure, the bit rate would reasonably vary with the resolution, I was suggesting 6000kbps at 1080p, 25fps.

If you are at 720p 25fps YouTube recommends 1500 - 4000kbps.

Also to be fair many home internet connections are fast enough for about 6000kbps upload it would obviously depend on where you are in the world.
