Question / Help Blackscreen/lagg on while playing Gothic 2


New Member
Hey guys, im not quite sure if i should pack the problems together but yea...
i noticed laggs when playing Gohtic 2 while im streaming with obs classic so i tested out OBS studio, which doesnt cause laggs but the stream remains black. so i dont really care wether i use obs or obs studio as long as it works for me.

my pc specs are
Intel core i5 - 3570k cpu
Nvidia GeForce GTX 670

here are my OBS Studio logs:
and heres my OBS log:
dont disable aero?
enable vsync
is game running in fullscreen? it should
side note on your settings: 1080p30 will not look good with 3,5k bitrate. consider scaling to 720p30 on video tab in studio. check my signature


New Member
i enabled aero again (i used to stream my desktop here and there, that why i disabled it)
i forced the game to enable vsync via my control panel and the game is in full screen still got the black screen.

okay thanks i scaled it down


New Member
im using windows 7 and as i mentioned earlier i already had disabled aero for display caputre and even tried to stream it... and i already have my resolution so it would appear properly on stream, but it still laggs
yes , i didnt express myself clearly. I was trying to say that display capture on win8.1 / 10 aero works probably better than win7 non-aero
so you dont got any further ideas?
nop sry, it worked for me perfectly smooth 1080p60 with display capture on win10 with x264 and QSV
I also just recorded some QSV dead space2 with sweetfx on display capture, same resolution and effect is equally good, VERY minor negligible hiccups when compared to game capture, Id say perfect
another benefit would be easy use of your QSV. I had some trouble using it on win7 like making fake monitors and extending desktops which wouldnt work well for some reason resulting in obs lockups with qsv. on win8.1/10 it just works after enabling in bios and installing driver
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