Black Screen with Display capture, single card


New Member
On my desktop I'm using an ASUS Turbo-RTX2080-8G card which is running fine, and has always worked with OBS in the past, though it has been a couple of months since I've actually done anything with it. My only display until yesterday was a TV connected via HDMI, but today I decided to hook up another monitor I had lying around via display port. Windows sees the new monitor as the primary, but that's no big dieal, I switched it in the display settings so that the larger (top) monitor is the primary, and it's extended onto the smaller (bottom) monitor. everything runs fine and I can play games on either screen or both and they run flawlessly.When I run OBS though, display capture on the bottom monitor is fine and completely performant as it's always been. Display capture on the other display is a black screen, that will sometimes update to show a web browser, but no game. Both monitors are driven by the same video card, I have plenty of RAM (64GB on the motherboard and another 8GB on the card) and am at a total loss. I've looked to see if i have a low power adapter listed like is suggested in the videos, but low power and high performance are both the same card, my on board video is disabled in the bios.
I'm open to any suggestions,


New Member
I've created a video to demonstrate the behavior I'm seeing. I reinstalled OBS, updated drivers and added two display capture scenes, one for top monitor and one for the bottom. i start with the obs window on the bottom monitor, to show how i'm used to it working. The preview screen updates in real time, and i can drag the window around and see the nested previews all move in real time. Then I select the top scene, which displays a black screen for several seconds, and then updates to show the OBS download page. I drag the OBS window up to that monitor and attempt to do the same thing. On my screen the windows is moving, but the preview screen is as unentertaining as the captured video. Then I select the bottom scene and move the window down to demonstrate again that it still works as expected there.
I have confirmed that onboard video is completely disabled in the bios, and in the program specific graphics settings, the same card is listed for high performance, power saving, and system default. (screenshot attached) also in the zip file.
P.S. After typing all that up i find out that there's a size limit on files i can attach, and even zipped it's too big, so I just put it up on one of my domains


New Member
Another day in, still no success. Today's efforts were as follows. My theory was that for whatever reason OBS was favoring the second monitor because the operating system had identified it as #1, so I set about to change the numbers. I went and got an HDMI to displayport adapter for my main display, then plugged it into the display port the primary was plugged into, and moved the secondary monitor to the second display port. on power up the previous settings were still remembered, and it still showed the primary monitor identified as #2 connected by hdmi. That gave me the idea to use the secondary monitor with HDMI to DisplayPort with the adapter, as the monitor had already been identified as #2 via HDMI. on reboot the numbers in fact did go back to normal, and my main display is now identified as #1 again (yay to small victory). I saw no change in behavior from OBS though. So went ahead and completely uninstalled it and deleted settings etc and then reinstalled, again with the same behavior.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated, I will continue my attempts.


New Member
For the sake of trial and error I disconnected the second monitor from the computer, and main (only) monitor is still behaving poorly. This was my only display for more than a year and worked fine with OBS on its own. I tried uninstalling and installing via the original installer 24.0.1 that i used the first time, but it did not resolve the issue either. I am at a loss. I am going to see if xsplit still works


New Member
Yes, xsplit mostly works as intended. I will still have to re-add sources every time I stream because it doesn't like remembering instances (why i switched to OBS in the first place) i will keep my fingers crossed for some kind of solution with OBS, but probably going to have to switch back to xsplit for a while in the meantime