Question / Help Black screen on WINDOW capture


New Member
I am trying to run a game via windows capture. And when the game is windowed it works just fine, can see the capture, everything is good, however when I full screen the game its just a blank screen.

I tried running it through game capture as well (and have OBS set up to use the Nvidia card already, even tried to force scaling on it) and getting no results that way hence wanting to capture it via window.

The issue with keeping it windowed is that when it is windowed the cursor can leave the game. If the cursor remained trapped in the game window this would not necessarily be an issue at least I could stream it then.

Currently running it in compatibility mode for windows 98 simply because it makes the screen scroll function work better (and it really REALLY needs that working well) however I also tried streaming it without the compatibility mode and still got the same results. Picture shows with a windows capture when windowed, but nothing when full screen.

As far as game capture. I can select the game via game capture but thats also a black screen (ran under no compatibility mode/no compatibility mode, forced scaling/not forced scaling). Ive tried every thing I can think of at this point to get a capture with the game being full screen.