Question / Help Bitrate Spikes


Fairly new to streaming, and over the past 2 weeks I've been having issues with my bitrate spiking drastically and I think this is causing me to drop frames during stream. It has only been happening recently as I didn't have any issues with my streams the past few months. I don't know what can possibly be causing this because I haven't touched any of the settings since. Here's a log of a very short test stream I did

Any help or insight on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


Forum Admin
The log doesn't have the final results of the stream as you copied it during the actual stream. Can you run a stream again for ~5 minutes, stop it, and then upload the current log file?
I've already run the test multiple times, and even at a long duration I'm still getting around 3500 kbps at the best server, which is the one I'm on. I've set my bitrate to as low as 1800 which should be sufficient, but I'm still getting spikes to as low as half that.


Forum Admin
The quality metric there is 0, which means you're dropping enough frames to disrupt the stream. Looking at raw speed and ping is pointless. Call your ISP.