Bug Report Bitrate drops to 0, obs crashes


Forum Admin
Make sure your BIOS is up to date, AMD CPUs are known to have buggy microcode which causes these crashes.


New Member
I have the most recent BIOS, about a month ago, something akin to this was happening as well. I updated it then and it improved my stable overclock and the crashes ceased as well.

Any idea why it ran perfectly for a month and now is completely rip?


New Member
Thought I'd respond to explain my issue. After the last issues I got a new cooler, a huge Noctua fan for my threadripper as it actually fits the cpu. Turns out the cooler is too good. It was spinning at such a low RPM that the rest of the board wasnt getting air flow and the northbridge was overheating. I upped the default speed to 50% and it hasn't crashed since. Thanks for the help R1CH <3