Bug Report BetterTTV Add-On not changing font family & size anymore.


New Member
Hey everyone, I hope that someone could help me because I am losing my mind here.

Yesterday I wanted to show a friend of mine who recently installed OBS STUDIO how obs works. I hid all my docks to have a reference on what he has on his screen. When I was done I put all docks that I use back up but do not remember whether the following issues had already started then as I did not expect any at all from just hiding them for a few minutes. Coming to today, another friend showed me the betterttv add-on for chrome and I installed my browser to have gif emotes and stuff like that. When I randomly started streaming today, I realized that the font size has been for some reason reduced to default (I don't know the exact number). I went to the cogwheel at the bottom right in the chat dock, scrolled down to betterttv and clicked on "set font size" to increase the size again. I set to various numbers but it just did not change anything for the chat. Then I tried the "set font family" option, entering "arial" to see whether it changes anything there, but nothing happened again.

What I tried in the following order:
  1. Restart OBS STUDIO
  2. Hide and re-activate the chat dock
  3. Disconnect and connect to Twitch account in the "Stream" settings of OBS STUDIO
  4. Uninstall and re-install betterttv in chrome.
  5. Going to the "NightDev Support" Discord server to ask for help but they said everything related to OBS has to be asked here.
Thank you for you time and help!


New Member
yea same here
it just happen to me idk whats going on
I had the letter the size I wanted for the longest and now it just reset on me and i cant seem to get it back the way it was


New Member
What a shame. I don't understand why it just refuses to be changed at all. So frustrating when I can barely read a chat message because it is so small. Is it an error on OBS's side or betterttv? Because their discord server says if it is in obs then I have to ask here.


New Member
not sure
mine was working just fine today then when I reopen it
all my font size reset and its just like urs small
my guess its on bettertv side