Question / Help Best setting for MacBook Pro 2015


New Member
I have a macbook pro 2015, Intel Iris 6100 Graphics 1536 MB
When I capture a window the stream lag, not only online but also only on Obs, I have tried different settings, I would like to know if there are solutions for this lag, because it is impossible to stream!!
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I have a macbook pro 2015, Intel Iris 6100 Graphics 1536 MB
When I capture a window the stream lag, not only online but also only on Obs, I have tried different settings, I would like to know if there are solutions for this lag, because it is impossible to stream!!
I have basically the same MBP and window capture is less than ideal in MacOS. I often use display capture instead and crop to get the window I want. The performance seems better to me that way.

You should also verify in settings that you are using one of the HT encoders for video and the same encoder for recording.


My Bad its VT H encoder. I was working from (apparently faulty) memory.