New Member
Our business wishes to conduct more detailed streaming topics. Ones that will require 'interview style' dialogue and presentation materials. 2 key persons, each looking to be in front of their own web-cam. On one network (not remote from each other).
Considering things like purchasing a StreamDeck to simplify, using iPad for drawing over NDI - but how best to arrange the setup if we use the approach of 2 PCs?
Considering things like purchasing a StreamDeck to simplify, using iPad for drawing over NDI - but how best to arrange the setup if we use the approach of 2 PCs?
- Recommendations?
- I was contemplating this:
- PC-1 includes:
- OBS & NDI - and by virtue is in control of the scene management.
- Receives NDI from PC-2 and iPad for inclusion.
- Streamdeck
- Outbound streaming responsibility.
- PC-2 includes
- NDI of WebCam > Sent to PC-1
- Uses (perhaps NDI Studio Monitor) so the operator of PC-2 can see the stream-feed from PC-1 'Live' to help them in their presentation as they talk. But they are not in control of it - other than perhaps the iPad (topic dependant).
- ALSO - how necessary (realistically) is it to have two pc's controlling the load of the streaming and encoding, etc - rather than one?
- Pointers to minimum capability (laptop) if it was just one doing all of PC-1's load? What difference is there for streaming vs just recording?